Ivanova, N., Varshaver, E. (2018). Peculiarities of the Legal Status of Labor Migrants from the EAEU and other CIS Member States in Russia: a Comparative Analysis (Final Part). Migration Law, (4), 9-16. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E. (2017). Neurophysiology of Ethnicity (based on foreign literature). Social Psychology and Society, 8(4), 43-54. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2017). Second-Generation Migrants in Russia of the Age 18–30 Years Old: Characteristics of the Structural Integration. Social Policy and Sociology, 16(5), 63-72. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Starodubrovskaya, I. (2017). Who Justifies Violence in Dagestan and Why? A Comparative Analysis of Value Profiles of Muslim Religious Groups in Dagestan. State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 35(3), 202-233. [in Russian]
[ Read (978.5Kb)
Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2017). Integration of the Second Generation Migrants aged 18-30 in Moscow: First Results of the Research Project. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (6), 63-81. [in Russian]
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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N. (2017). Playgrounds as Migrant Integration Spaces. Educational Studies Moscow, (2), 167-184. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2017). Migrant Integration on the Local Level: Results of an Academic and Practical Project. Sociological Studies, (5), 110-117. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2016). Neighborhood Social Map as an Urban Research Tool. Urban Studies and Practices, (3), 31-52. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2017). Information Behavior of Migrants from Central Asia under Changes in the Russian Migration Legislation. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (1), 182-195. [in Russian]
[ Read (312.8Kb)
Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2016). Migrant Integration: What it is and What Role Does The State Play in its Implementation?. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 14(3), 315-330. [in Russian]
[ Read (394.8Kb)
Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2016). Migrant Integration on the Local Level: Experience of Russia and Other Countries. In S. Panarin (ed.), East in the East, in Russia and in the West cross-border migrations and diasporas (pp. 194-213). St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2015). Peering into 'Ethnic' Community: Integration in Performance Differences 'Patriotic-Related' and 'National' Wheels (on the Example Migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Moscow). Social Policy and Sociology, 14(3), 24-37. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2015). Methods of enhancing the effectiveness of existing models and practices of migrant integration. Preprint. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2014). Café Communities as an Environment for The Ethnic Integration of Migrants in Moscow. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, 3(121), 104-114. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2014). Migrant Communities in Moscow: Their Origins, Functionality, and Maintenance Mechanisms. New Literary Observer, 3(127). [in Russian]
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Kochkin, E., Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E. (2014). Ethnic Market of the Moscow Service Sector: Case of Kyrgyz Commercial Companies. Marketing Services, (4), 284-292. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E. (2015). Contact theory: Review. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (5), 183-214. [in Russian]
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Rocheva, A. (2015). Research of 'Tenant Career' Positions and Housing Models of Migrants from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in Moscow. Sociological Journal, 21(2), 31-50. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Kruglova, E. (2015). Coalitional Clinch vs. Islamic Order: The Market of Institutions Related to Dispute Resolution in Dagestan. Economic Policy, (3), 89-112. [in Russian]
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Varshaver E. (2014). Tarki-Karaman: Mechanism of a Social Conflict over Land in Daghestan. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, 5(123), 133-150. [in Russian]
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Rocheva, A. (2012). Research of the Experience of Childbirth among Women-Migrants: Problems of Access to the Field. Sociological Journal, (3), 41-66. [in Russian]
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Rocheva, A. (2014). 'A swarm of migrants in our maternity clinics!': the study of stratified reproduction regime in the case of Kyrgyz migrants in Moscow. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 12(3), 367-380. [in Russian]
[ Read (305.5Kb)
Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Kochkin, E., Kuldina, E. (2014). Kyrgyz Migrants in Moscow: Results of a Quantitative Research on Integration Tracks. Preprint. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2015). Manual for organizing intercultural events. Academia.edu. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E. (2014). Twenty Successful Events for Migrant Integration. Moscow Institute for Socio-Cultural Programs. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2015). Manual for organizing a sociological study of a locality. Academia.edu. [in Russian]
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Rocheva, A. (2016). Transformation of Gender Relations of Migrants in Russia (Case of Kyrgyz Migrants in Moscow) (PhD thesis). Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences. [in Russian]
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Varshaver, E. (2016). Ethnic Boundaries in the Local Communities (PhD thesis). National Research University Higher School of Economics. [in Russian]
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