Varshaver, E. (2024). What Exactly is Studied When Ethnicity is Researched? A Descriptive Model for Constructivist Studies of Ethnicity in the Context of the Cognitive Turn. The Russian Sociological Review, 23(3), 94–126. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N., Egorova, T. (2024). Imagining the Russian Nation: Who, According to the Residents of Russia, Constitute Russian Society, and Can an Outsider Become its Member? RUDN Journal of Political Science, 26(2), 306–324. [in Russian]

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Ivanova, N., Egorova, T., Varshaver, E., Savin, I. (2024). «To live just like we do»: «To Live Just Like We Do»: Russian Residents’ Perceptions of Migrant Integration. Current Problems of Europe, (4), 98-133. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Gupalova, J., Orlova, A. (2024). Are there only two ethnic groups in Moscow: Slavs and Southerners? Research on vernacular categorization with elicitation methods used. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N., Gupalova, J., Kuznetsova, S. (2024). What Role do Soviet Nationalities Play in Regulatingthe Marital Behavior in Dagestan? Journal of Frontier Studies, (2), 98–133. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Orlova A., Shulga, A. (2023). Documentary Constructivism as a Special Form of Constructivist Folk Sociology: Evidence from Dagestan. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, (6), 156–177. [in Russian]

Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2023). Bazaar-Related Migrant Residential Concentration Areas in Post-Socialist Russian Cities. International Migration Review, OnlineFirst. [in English]

Golovina, К., Pechurina, A., Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E. (2023). House, Home, and Homemaking in Post-Soviet Migratory Contexts: Insights from Research in Russia and Japan (Chapter 50). Handbook on Home and Migration, (ed.) P. Boccagni. (621–634). Edward Elgar Publishing. [in English]

Varshaver, E. (2023). Integration of Migrants Through the Lens of a Constructivist Approach to Ethnicity. RUDN Journal of Political Science, 25(2), 377-396. [in English]

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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N. (2022). Targeting on Social Networking Sites as Sampling Strategy for Online Migrant Surveys: The Challenge of Biases and Search for Possible Solutions. Migration Research in a Digitized World. (Eds.) Pötzschke, S., Rinken, S.. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham. [in English]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2022). E-namus? Social networking sites and conservative norms of romantic relationships among second-generation migrants in Russia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(13), 3240-3258. [in English]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2021). “Homeland-Rooted” or Acquired in the Receiving Society: How Does the Composition of Migrants’ “Co-Ethnic” Ties Affect Their Patterns of Integration?. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22, 347–368. [in English]

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Varshaver, E. (2020). Migration Museum as a Dream and a Project. In (Eds.). Agapova, D.A., Khalikova, D.R.,Sinitsyna, O.V., Zhvitiashvili, N.Y., (Ed-in-Ch.) D.R. Khalikova, O.V. Sinitsyna. Migration: Revealing the Personal. Museum practices and recommendations for working on migration, mobility and diversity. Moscow: ICOM Russia. [in English]

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Egorova, T., Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N. (2020). Formation of Immigrant Neighbourhoods in Sweden: a Case-Study of Rinkeby, Stockholm. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 13(7), 1112-1125. [in English]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2019). Second Generation Migrants Aged 18–35 in Russia: Research Project Results. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (2(150)), 318-363. [in English]

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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N. (2019). Youth with a Migrant Background: Are They Willing to Stay in Russia?. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 12(7), 1256-1281. [in English]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva A. (2018). Localized Migrant Communities in the Absence of Ethnic Neighbourhoods: A Glimpse into Moscow’s Ethnic Cafés. Urbanities - Journal of Urban Ethnography, 8(2), 42-58. [in English]

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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E. (2017). Gender Dimension of Migration from Central Asia to the Russian Federation. Asia-Pacific Population Journal32(2), 87-136. [in English]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2014). Migrant Communities in Moscow: Their Origins, Functionality, and Maintenance Mechanisms. Preprint. [in English]

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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E. (2017). Giving Voice to the City in Migration Studies (Introduction to the Special Issue). Urban Studies and Practices, 2(1), 9-10. [in English]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2017). Bridging Science and Practice: Migrant Integration Events in Moscow Neighborhoods. Urban Studies and Practices, 2(1), 25-39. [in English]

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Bublikov, V., Varshaver, E., Stepanov, V. (2023). Deconstruction of Population Censuses: Comments and Considerations. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, (4), 22–242. [in Russian]

Varshaver, E. (2022). Trapped in Double-Irrelevancy: (Re)-Production of Ethnicity in Interactions between Census-Takers and Their Respondents Based on Results of Observations during 2021 All-Russian Census in Dagestan. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (4(170)), 199–221. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E. (2022). “Stop beating the dead primordial horse”: actual agendas in the constructivist research of ethnicity. The Russian Sociological Review, 21(3), 31-58. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., (ed.) (2022). On Ethnic Diversity in Modern Dagestan: Students' field trip collection of articles. Authors: M. Gutsunaev, A. Drozdova, E. Kozharinova, A. Kunina, A. Malinovskiy, V. Nazarov, A. Rakacheva, D. Stepanova. Moscow: HSE Publishing House. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N., Rocheva, A. (2022). Why and When Do Migrants in Russia Come to Homeownership and How Is It Related to Integration?. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (2(168)), 223-247. [in Russian]

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Ivanova, N., Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2022). What Migrants Do Economically Developed Countries Attract and How They Do It: Analysis of International Cases. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 15(6), 811-825. [in Russian]

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Ivanova, N. (2022). The Effect of Residential Concentration of Migrants on the Integration of Second Generation Migrants in Russia. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 13(7), 1112-1125. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2021). Factors and Mechanisms of the Formation of Migrant Residential Concentration Areas Around Markets. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (5(165)), 425-449. [in Russian]

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Andreeva A., Ivanova N., Varshaver E. (2021). Do Kotelniki Qualify as an Ethnic And Migrant Enclave? Case-Study of Residents’ Ethnic and Migration Origins in Kotelniki, Moscow’s Satellite City. Urban studies and practices, 5(4), 54-72. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N., Andreeva A. (2021). Migrants in Russian cities: settlement, concentration, integration. Moscow: Publishing House "Delo" RANEPA. 226 p. [in Russian]

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Rocheva A., Varshaver E., Ivanova N. (2020) ulnerable Groups in Disasters: Solidarity and Trust in Government as the Basis for Migrant Strategies in Russia During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (6(160)), 488-511. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E. (2020). Intercultural Events in Russia. Intercultural and interconfessional management: Theory and Practice. A Handbook. E. Varshaver, E. Idrisov, E. Markwart, E. Pain, A. Sitnikov, I. Starodubrovskaya. Editor: I. Starodubrovskaya. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo "Prospekt". P. 215-238. [in Russian]

Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N., Rocheva, A. (2020). Migrants in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic: survey results. RANEPA. 81p. [in Russian]

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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E. (2020). Migration Intentions of Youth with and without Migrant Backgrounds: a Russian Case. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (3), 295-334. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N., Ermakova M. (2020). Residential Concentrations of Migrants in Russian Cities: Is There a Pattern?. The Russian Sociological Review, 19(2), 225-253. [in Russian]

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Ermakova M., Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N. (2020). Features of settlement and integration of migrants in Moscow and Moscow region. RUDN Journal of Sociology (Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodovSeriyaSotsiologiya), 20(2), 363-381. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Andreeva A., Ivanova, N. (2020). Migrants' settlement patterns in global cities and their determinants: Paris, Singapore, Sydney and Moscow. Part II. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (2), 457-485. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Andreeva A., Ivanova, N. (2019). Migrants' settlement patterns in global cities and their determinants: Paris, Singapore, Sydney and Moscow. Part I. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (6(154)), 479-504. [in Russian]

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Kazenin K., Kozlov V., Mitrofanova E., Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2019) The Birth Rate among Foreign Migrants in Russia and the Factors Affacting It (Analysis of Survey Date). The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. (1), 100-111. [in Russian]

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Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A., Ivanova, N. (2019). Second Generation Migrants Aged 18–35 in Russia: Research Project Results. The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes Journal, (2(150)), 318-363. [in Russian]

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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N. (2019). Integration of Second-Generation Migrants from Transcaucasia and Central Asia in the Tyumen Region: Social, Linguistic and Identification Aspects. Vestnik Arheologii, Antropologii i Etnografii, (2(45)), 166-175. [in Russian]

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Rocheva, A., Varshaver, E., Ivanova, N. (2019). Integration of Second-Generation Migrants from Transcaucasia and Central Asia in the Tyumen Region: Educational Trajectories and Employment. Vestnik Arheologii, Antropologii i Etnografii, (1(44)), 136-145. [in Russian]

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Ivanova, N., Varshaver, E. (2018). Peculiarities of the Legal Status of Labor Migrants from the EAEU and other CIS Member States in Russia: a Comparative Analysis (Beginning). Migration Law, (3), 3-8. [in Russian]

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