The Group for Ethnic and Migration studies has successfully completed its yearly student expedition which has been organized under the auspices of the Centre for field research within the "Summer School" independent educational project for the last 2 years. This year the expedition was focused on the representation of ethnicity in local museums in Russia's national republics. The Group's researchers Evgeni Varshaver and Nataliya Ivanova, along with students from various universities and other participants, went on an expedition to Karelia and Kalmykia. To prepare for the field trip, they first worked on their research instrumentation in the Summer School in Dubna, Moscow oblast, and once returned, proceeded to analyze collected materials in that same School. The expedition has been a definite success - data has been collected and posted in a way that anyone can access and use it, participants have drawn general conclusions and, besides, each of them has been a given "a home assignment" - to write an article on one of the research issues by winter.
